Friday, August 28, 2009

Happy birthday t0 me!

Br0ck really 0utdid himself f0r my birthday this year. He t0tally suprised me by taking me 0n a dinner & dance cruise at Lake Tah0e. We watched the sunset 0ver the lake, had a beautiful dinner and watched the 0ld f0lks getting their gr00ve 0n t0 the live band.

Turning 25 wasn't anything super exciting, but Br0ck and the kids made it really special!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

And the letter 0f the day is....

Chl0e l0ves t0 d0 scrapb00king I think as much as I d0. She even has her 0wn scrapb00k that she l0ves t0 sh0w t0 every0ne wh0 c0mes 0ver. Here's s0me 0f 0ur latest w0rk.

Y0u might be w0ndering why my letter 0's are all the #0. Well Cavan decided t0 pry 0ff the butt0ns 0n the keyb0ard. I f0und every letter but 0. Y0u w0uld be suprised h0w much that letter is used! Instead 0f jabbing a pen int0 the letter 0 cavity, the #0 is making my life easier until we g0 get a new keyb0ard.

Edited t0 add: bl0gger was s0 kind t0 change my zer0's int0 0's, but y0u get the p0int!

0n an0ther n0te, we are s0 lucky t0 be near the Beng0a's. Seeing them with J0el was t00 preci0us! He is s0 sweet and hands0me, and C0dy & Tiff are just beaming with j0y!

Cavan and Parker in the mine at Virgina City, NV

Uncle C0dy walking 0n the beach

"M0mmy and daddy wh0 l0ve each 0ther"